Restore Your Spine & Core To Proper Alignment
Chiropractic is a continuously developing discipline that prioritizes the enhancement of the nervous system, resulting in heightened energy and resilience. By blending contemporary chiropractic techniques with time-honored methods, we have unlocked new possibilities for delivering long-lasting relief and positive outcomes to our valued patients. Schedule a consultation with one of our Chiropractor today and discover how our treatments can help you achieve optimal physical and mental wellbeing.
Happy Patients
Years of Experience
Patients Recommendations

Spinal Decompression
My father introduced the first decompression table to st albert in 1994. with time it became the most in demand care, as a gentle stretch of the right soft tissue can make massive changes. when i joined the st albert chiropractic clinic we soon replaced every treatment table with a decompression table. Also known as flexion distraction, spinal decompression is an ingenious process designed to open the nervous system. the neural networks are opened with an invigorating series of soft tissue lengthening movements. these movements are provided through a table whose function is based on a higher understanding of your basic musculoskeletal physiology. First developed by a chiropractor blending chiropractic and osteopathic knowledge, the flexion distraction table takes advantage of the little known knowledge that our muscles find a state of high relaxation when first flexed and then stretched. using this knowledge, tables were developed by dr. james cox to allow the practitioner to stretch each and every primary muscle group within the spine with little to no resistance from the patients stiff and tight musculature. These tables were evolved by a contemporary of dr. cox, a dr. leander eckard, who described his table and technique as the continuing passive motion technique. the simple beauty of these tables is they allow the practitioner the opportunity to provide a full restoration of symmetry with slow, long stretching protocols. The simplest translation of this is the effective restoration of proper tone to muscles and fuller function of associated neural networks can be done with invigorating lengthening protocols. these protocols ‘feel good’, providing real measurable change, both in range of motion and strength, as well as in terms of relief felt by the patient.
Myofascial Relese
Another of the latest in evolutions of chiropractic techniques, myofacial release is the deep release of muscular tension and scar tissues. While myofacial release can be done gently, it is still a deep tissue release. scar tissues and segmental dysfunctions that block nerve flow and cramp muscles can be reduced. pain relief and strength restoration follow quickly. Like flexion distraction (spinal decompression) myofacial release is a soft tissue release, opening neurological flow and freeing muscles from the scar tissues that hamper them. blended with the massage offers and other more traditional techniques, you can find a real extension of the youthful energy we all seek in our lives.
Book An appointment
We'll take the time to get to know you and your unique needs and goals.
Develop A Plan
Develop a personalized plan that is tailored to your specific circumstances and work with you to create achievable milestones.
Take Action
Based on the information gathered during your health assessment, we'll develop a diagnosis and treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs.
Follow-Up & Support
We'll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. We'll also provide you with the education and tools you need to maintain your optimal health and wellbeing.
Traditional Chiropractic
Traditional Chiropractic is the powerful art of opening fixated joints within the spine combined with gentle application of pressure on the points of locked movement. Some of my newer patients have some misunderstandings about what traditional chiropractic is. however, because of its powerful relieving and healing qualities, it is often a highly recommended protocol in my clinic. in fact, once you discover the powerful relief and renewed strength you recur or from a gentle and professional chiropractic adjustment, i am certain you will make it a cornerstone of your health care approach.
Once my patients realize the approach i take to adjusting, two things happen: first, they cannot believe how simple, painless, and relieving the adjustment is. second, they go through the next several days or weeks in far less pain, discovering that the chiropractic adjustment is exactly what they need for greater energy and flexibility in every area of their lives. Primarily, my style of adjustment is gentle. New patients often comment that I use zero force.

My focus is to hold your spine in a pose that you would consider to be a gentle and natural stretch. Then, with seemingly zero force, I direct your pose to an angle at which the fixated joint may be relieved. Joints which you would never be able to open and relieve on your own are opened with little to zero pressure. I use appropriate poses and light pressures to open your spine. I can’t say it enough. The relief from traditional chiropractic is often the greatest relief a patient can find. Often a traditional chiropractic adjustment changes lives.
Back Pain
With a blend of trigger point techniques, muscular release, traditional chiropractic, and my powerful stretching table, i find back pain can be easily relieved. even chronic conditions with little relief elsewhere can respond very well to a blend of powerful techniques. More complex issues such as bulging discs and arthritic or degenerative conditions respond well to a restoration of strength and mobility to the supporting soft tissue. it is really groundbreaking how many conditions are alleviated when the supporting soft tissue is restored to its full health.
Most patients are pretty impressed with myofacial release and the other techniques we use to reopen compressed nerves and restore sync among your soft tissues. Not just with how much they learn about their physique, but also with how much relief and strength we regain for them, sometimes in just one session.
Years of Experience

Most patients are pretty impressed with myofacial release and the other techniques we use to reopen compressed nerves and restore sync among your soft tissues. Not just with how much they learn about their physique, but also with how much relief and strength we regain for them, sometimes in just one session.
Neck & Shoulder Pain
Diagnosing and treating neck and shoulder conditions is one of the most complex areas of care. while the two are separate areas, they are functionally inter-reliant. this means we often have to work in both areas to produce results. As an example, a ‘frozen shoulder’ is often a combination of muscular strain and compression on the nerve roots entering and operating the muscles of the shoulder girdle. opening the neurological pathways can be a complex project as they can be trapped within any of the soft tissue between the neck and the shoulder. This is where muscular release techniques such as myocardial release and active release come in handy. Restoring function to a torn or strained muscle is exceptionally difficult. However, once the appropriate inner action is restored, a strengthening process can begin, and full strength and mobility can be returned to the affected joints. With a basic introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the area, appropriate care, and some dedication to home care, you may find a complete and lasting resolution.
Chronic headaches are a serious problem. the medications required to control headaches can be highly complex, or simply more medicine than you are comfortable taking. My take on headaches is they are usually a sign of underlying musculoskeletal dysfunction.
If we can get to the dysfunction, define and reduce it, then we accomplish two things: one, we reduce your pain and give you a new life. Two, we remove a dysfunction that was harming your musculoskeletal function or even compressing one of your precious neural networks. In either case, restoring your internal workings to full flow is absolutely a step in the right direction, rather than allowing them to be compromised and hiding the symptoms with medication. It is a point of pride for my practice that I have developed specific clinic protocols that work very well in relieving headaches in my patients. Protocols that are gentle, invigorating, and relieving. Protocols that, when blended with your required home care, may keep headaches at bay for months or even years. With some thorough work, we may have your headaches relieved naturally.
If we can get to the dysfunction, define and reduce it, then we accomplish two things: one, we reduce your pain and give you a new life. Two, we remove a dysfunction that was harming your musculoskeletal function or even compressing one of your precious neural networks. In either case, restoring your internal workings to full flow is absolutely a step in the right direction, rather than allowing them to be compromised and hiding the symptoms with medication. It is a point of pride for my practice that I have developed specific clinic protocols that work very well in relieving headaches in my patients. Protocols that are gentle, invigorating, and relieving. Protocols that, when blended with your required home care, may keep headaches at bay for months or even years. With some thorough work, we may have your headaches relieved naturally.
Positive Feedback From Our Patients
Dr. Brodeur is possibly the best chiropractor I have ever seen – since the first one I saw as a child. I sustained a neck injury and had been suffering from whiplash for over a year while attending another chiropractor regularly – and still had less than 10% mobility in my neck. A friend of mine had switched from that chiropractor to Dr. Brodeur and highly recommended I do the same. After the first visit I had 80% mobility in my neck again! After the first three visits on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I had over 95% mobility back and it only got better from there. He truly cares about fully healing and taught me what I could do, every day, on my own in order to maintain and fully heal my injury as quickly as possible. Naturally, I continued treatment with Dr. Brodeur. For several years, I had also been experiencing a random pain in my stomach once every few months that prevented me from moving and working for a minimum of several hours. I had never mentioned it to him until it began suddenly during an adjustment. After he asked what was wrong and I explained my symptoms, he dug his finger into my stomach for about a minute to massage my gallbladder and the pain was gone. The pain has never returned after about seven years and although I don’t expect it ever will, I know where to go if it does. If you need to see a chiropractor Dr. Brodeur should be your first choice. If you are struggling to heal with your current chiropractor, I urge you to at least try Dr. Brodeur and find out for yourself.
Experiencing aches and pain?
There are many reasons why aches and pains may occur. They can be caused by physical activities such as exercising or lifting heavy objects, poor posture, or even stress. Fortunately, we have a team of professional therapists that are here to help!